This is a short post to let you know that our family will be heading out for our last summer adventure by going on a short camping trip at Devil's Lake State Recreation Area on the Oregon Coast. Why am I telling you this? Because this park is qualified for the Parks on the Air program, and I intend to activate it on the days we are there, which is Monday afternoon, August 19 through Wednesday afternoon, August 21.
I’ll be bringing my IC-705 go kit for the bulk of the operating, but I also plan to take my Party Line 80 prototype for some Late Shift ops, so I would appreciate anyone listening for me Monday and Tuesday evenings, around 9 PM local (0400 UTC). I’d love to make a QSO with you if you have the opportunity. Put me in HamAlerts!
Once we’re back, I’ll be back in the routine of working on Etherkit and posting my approximately-weekly Substack post. I hope you all had an excellent summer and were able to enjoy your favorite activities. It’s hard to believe that fall is just around the corner (my chickens are already starting to molt), which is my favorite time of year, because of the weather and because I get to put more time in at the bench!