I just ran across this webpage by accident............ I built a DC receiver from an MK484 one chip RF amp/detector/AGC which worked up to 7MHz, and then added a CW transmitter for 40 W output as a home brew receiver, some years ago.

It seems that few people understand hardware these days but many are interested. Why dont you start a club for like minded diyers? my lastest project is a non resonant CW radio transmitter that transmits absolutely clean, (no sidebands or key clicks) that should allow much faster digital communication, based on my discovery of photon pulse communication (see http://viXra.org/abs/2310.0123 ) I wonder if you would like a circuit board to add such 5-10W transmitter to your project?

Mots www.yugeshima.com (from the Japan Islands)

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Thank you for the comment! I am working on building up a community here. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a 'club', as I don't want anything that formal. But I definitely am trying to build a place where those who are interested in learning RF electronics can gather.

Your paper looks quite intriguing. I don't have the educational background to really understand it fully, but that's certainly an approach that I haven't seen before.

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